Citylife Madrid: new partnership

Good morning 🙂

Today, we present you a new Your Family in Madrid´s partner:

Citylife Madrid is a company started by young internationals for young internationals.  They are a company dedicated to helping their community throughout their entire time in Madrid.  From settling in the new city, to creating unforgettable bonds, and experiences, Citylife Madrid does not leave a detail untouched!

This new partnership will be really usefull for all of our clients over 18 years old.

For many, a semester, or a year abroad is a life changing experience. While moving to a new country is an exciting adventure, it was can also be quite nerve-wracking! Not speaking the language, or understanding the culture, or knowing your way around the unfamiliar city, are obstacles that many newcomers encounter.  As many of the Citylife Madrid employees were once exchange students, they sympathize, and fully understand the difficulties that come with a stay abroad.  As a result, they offer a numerous amount of services free of charge that make the moving process easier, and allow everyone to take full advantage of everything Madrid has to offer! They aim to make the transition to Madrid as smooth and enjoyable as possible, making it a one-stop support system throughout the entire abroad experience!

City Life Madrid Discount card

Citylife Madrid offers support in all elements, such as, opening a free Spanish bank account, finding accommodation, obtaining a metro card, and meeting new friends! Their free Welcome Guides and starter packs provide all the introductory information needed when first arriving in Madrid! Multiple organized whatsapp forums, and Facebook groups allow new students to connect with, and meet other people. Complimentary legal advice is also provided for anyone who has questions regarding their visas, work permits, and more!

Settling in is one of the most difficult aspects of moving abroad. Yet, once all the basics are covered, then it’s time to enjoy your new home!  Citylife Madrid ensures that every member of their community has the opportunity to enjoy and make the most out of their time in Madrid. From delicious food, to rich art and culture, thrilling sports, and endless nightlife, Madrid has so much to offer!  It is a vibrant city, with an endless number of activities. Citylife wants everyone to take advantage of the amazing city, and offers weekly events & cultural activities, such as salsa classes, free museum tours, and cooking classes to name just a few!  The Citylife Sports club also allows sport enthusiasts to connect and organize games and practices.  Stay up to date with all the weekly events by joining the Citylife newsletter!
CityLife News Letter

In addition to weekly-organized activities, Citylife Madrid also provides newcomers the opportunities to explore other cities in Spain, Portugal, and Morocco!  Their extensive trips calendar includes day trips around Madrid, weekend trips around Spain and Portugal, and week-long African adventures in Morocco!  The trips are a fantastic way to discover more of Spain, while diving into the culture and creating life long memories with new friends!  Check out all the scheduled trips this semester on their trips page.

Live & Enjoy Madrid

Madrid is is the city that never sleeps and we want you to get the most out of it! We recommend you join the Citylife Madrid community for free. Click here for more information.

Yet another way Citylife Madrid pushes everyone to fully take advantage of all the city has to offer is through their partnerships with varying companies throughout Madrid. The City Card is a discount card that offers discounts to Citylife events and trips, such as wine tasting and flamenco, but also to restaurants, gyms, cinemas, hair dressers, and many more!  You’ll have access to amazing deals and offers throughout Madrid. Full details can be found on the City Card page.

What are you waiting for? Get the most out of your stay in Spain, and join the Citylife community now! Get access to the best of Madrid for free with Citylife Madrid!

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